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Questions? Want to collaborate? We'd love to hear from you.
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Come visit us on ‘The Corner’!
1400 University Ave, Room B020
Charlottesville, VA, 22902
The door of our design lab is on the ground Floor (Basement) on Rear / Service Entrance side of building.
Our project room is located on the rear / service side, basement level of 1400 University Ave (Corner Building). Access the room from Health Sciences Library by walking up Lee St towards West Complex from Jefferson Park and turning right down service road past large water treatment tanks. Medical Design Project Room is second door from the left on ground floor on backside of the Corner Building.
Medical Design Program space is second door from the left when facing the backside of the Corner building.
You can also reach the Medical Design Program space by walking down the driveway to the right of 1400 university from the Corner (street side) and taking stairs down to back side of the building. Door is 2nd door on the left at base of the stairs.
UVA Medical Design Lab